This past Monday, I thought I would switch it up and do a strength training workout. I wanted to do a p90x, but our weights were locked in our storage closet, and our storage closet keys were in the city with Chip. I turned to my old favorite- Fitness Blender is AMAZING- it has a ton of workouts of varying length, difficulty, and body areas. I chose the Total Body Tabata workout. 45 minutes of HITT and Toning seemed like a great reintroduction to upper body training and strength training. As a friend recently pointed out to me, no one sees your legs in a wedding dress; they see your back, arms and shoulders
You can find the workout here:
Tuesday, I woke up and MAN WAS I SORE. I thought, with the running, I was working all of my muscles. Goes to show that my body really does adjust to what I put it through. Running just isn't pushing me as hard anymore. 100 squats, though, I felt.
This really inspired me to vary my workouts. I had sort of forgotten what "sore" felt like. After running the 13 last weekend, I was sore for an hour or so after the run, but then my muscles relaxed and I drank water. I was as good as new by afternoon (good enough to go to the Shirlington Oktoberfest- a great but crowded time!).
Tuesday of this week, I was too sore to do much of anything, but yesterday I made sure to get out to go on a run. The first two miles, my muscles yelled at me each time I took a step. The inside of my thighs, shoulders, chest, and arms ached with all their might. Then, after two miles, I started to loosen up and ended strong. This is the opposite of how I usually run- I am a quick starter who slows and then plateaus at about 9:20, a comfortable pace for me.
It felt good to push myself a bit quicker!
Today I hit the gym again- I did the seated row machine, a back workout I found on pinterest (, simple lifting, and an oblique workout. It is already a can't-reach-your-hair-to-shampoo-post-workout soreness.
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